World Cup 2015 - Spain, Benidorm
20 ноября 2015, 09:20
Views: 483
Another victory !!!!
Another victory for national teams of the School of Karate "SATO" ended World Championship Karate (WTKA), which was held from 5 to 8 November 2015, a single of the most prestigious of resorts the Kingdom of Spain Benidorm.
The championship was attended by over 77 world of states, among which were the countries (Romania, Poland, the USA, England, Syria, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, Panama, the Netherlands, Germany and many others).
From the Russian Federation have been invited to several national teams, which included representatives of karate, kickboxing and kung fu. From School "SATO" were sent to the Championship:
Alexander Dorogin (3rd dan), Kirill Sergeev (1st dan); Dmitry Kuznetsov (1st dan); Yulia Minakova (1st kyu); Artem Donskoy (6th kyu) and Ivan Polev (6th kyu).
Our athletes took part in almost all sections of the Championship.
The total number of of participants exceeded 5 thousand. People. In the Championship were presented such martial arts as Japanese Karate (several styles); Chinese kung fu and wushu Sanda. Also represented were: Freestyle Karate; kobudo; kickboxing; Thai boxing; Korean taekwondo and many others.
Athletes Karate School "SATO" demonstrated in this Championship a great result.
Alexander Dorogin 3rd place, and Yulia Minakova 2nd place in Kumite sections (each in their subgroups); Artem Donskoy won the 2nd place in the section of Kata and 3rd place Kumite section; Ivan Polev World Champion won 1st place in the section of Kata and 3rd place Kumite section;
One of the best results showed Kirill Sergeev took 1st place in the section of Kata and 1st place in Kumite section, becoming the undisputed world champion in karate.
Extravaganza made and Dmitry Kuznetsov, who brought our team 4 medals.
In the Kumite and section FREESTYLE KARATE Dmitry won two 1st place and became the undisputed world champion in karate. In the kata he took 2nd place, and under POINT kumite 3rd place.
Total six-man team our guys won 12 medals.
With this new victory the athletes Karate School "SATO" opened a new school year. Ahead of a lot of activities both European and world level.
School management expresses gratitude the administration, Yakovlevsky District, represented I.V.Boychenko and Z.A.Stolyarovoy, as well as leadership of the city administration and management of sports district of, for the financial support of our team.
Also, a low bow to all our parents who, throughout these 10 days have provided moral support to our children.
The decision of the Directorate of School "SATO" to all the winners of the Championship appropriated the next qualification in the karate.
Who School "SATO" start preparations for the upcoming New Year's tournament to the European and world championships.
Good luck to you! New victories !!! And the soft mat. Directorate of School of Karate "SATO"